So, after typing millions of words in my Melbourne post, I'll have to type it again for Sydney -__-
Hah not a problem. I'm born to like blogging ♥ If you missed out my Melbourne post, Click here to go.
p.s/ Again. I put alot of effort in typing so please be patience and read it till end.
On Friday, flight to Sydney in the morning. Excited to see my lil niece Emily for the first time!
When we arrived at Jenny sis house everyone was excited hah :D
Emily! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ She is so so so cute!
After arriving at her house for just like..minutes. Jenny sis brought us out again. First place, Forgotten-name-Temple. Fyi, all shop there close down at 5. So we have to rushed there for awhile just to take picture. Lol
My new lil boyfriend.
Ate dinner there. Seriously, I don't like vegetarian..
Since we have a lil time more, we walked around the temple and pray for awhile.
I love this. The natural green grass feel Lol
GUESS WHAT? Have you seen any mini picture without computer editing.....its CUTE.
I'll show you if you didn't...
(If you noticed clearly, mom was following my peace style lol)
Creative idea from Dandan. Lol look so real. I think its cute ♥
Then when the temple was going to close, we quickly rushed to another place, Kimma, Kimia Lol I forgot.
Its a gigantic huge hole where the ocean waves just splash in so beware..if you step too near you might get wet.....interesting place. :)

Its a gigantic huge hole where the ocean waves just splash in so beware..if you step too near you might get wet.....interesting place. :)

Hah this mini wave was just small case. Lol.
Splash! I got wet a the stupid wave was so huge gigantic till it actually surprised me abit.
Right after we explored this giant-size wave, sis Jenny brought us to dinner. My favorite, abalone ♥
nice nice nice!! I wish my father owe an abalone company so I can have abalone as my daily meal for the rest of my life ♥♥
Baby Emily and me. Now there are two vvip baby baby in my life ♥dear Wilis and Emily! Omg Idk why I just love baby!
Went back to sis Jenny house. But I ain't living there...
Next day (Saturday). Time to wake up and prepared to Chinatown and Sydney city!
On the way to the city. Looks like Penang bridge like?? I always have a sense of feel that I'm still in that freaking country whenever I past this Australia-Sydney-city-bridge. Lol
Way to Darling Harbour ♥ (See the name? Going there with your darling/lover is a must. Its true.)I hope I'll go there someday with my lover too HAH! Back to the point.
Mom complaint that her leg were going to burn cz we walked a long way from city. So we took a break at a cafe bar there.
What else? Camwhore lah.
My glass of hot chocolate with marshmallow on top♥
sis Jenny and her daughter!
Have you ever seen a taxi on the sea or lake?? Well I didn't. Not in Malaysia.
This looks like 'Eye on Malaysia' hor?? Too bad in Malaysia this gigantic size marry-go-round had already 'Zap lap'. I haven't ride before, have you? I only ride marry-go-round twice or thrice at Genting (its consider as mini size lol) and at Lotte World, Korea. Shhh!
Back to home at night, again.
Next day (Sunday). Just a place for today @ Market city but its nice...not bad. Just alot of people there so you'll feel hot hot hot..lack of oxygen.
Taken outside @ sis Jenny's house.
Aunt Ann said I looked like rabbit in this pic wtf. That peace fingers spotted!!
Emily is chubby and cute! Cute!
Okay its very obvious I didn't take picture at the Market City. Lol I'm so busy shopping and buying there okay...didn't bother to take picture.
Next day (Monday). Alright! This was a very important day so I woke at 5 in the morning to prepared everything (3am at Malaysia wtf). Then off we went to Blue Mountain!
My new Koala boyfriend! Handsome right?
My enemy trying to snatch boyfriend with me.
After with this koala-boyfriend issue, we continued to walk up to the road, reached Blue Mountain!
The three sisters mountain.
To Scenic World next.
Then we were so so so funny!! Guess what? There were four naked status outside right....
Aunty Ann was hilarious man! She go touched the whole part of the naked man but when it came to the penis part she quickly run away not daring to touch. Lol we all laughed like shit there and sis Jenny recorded all. People there were looking at us thinking we're retarded. Hah who cares. We just have fun there.
Yeng lah mum. Am also not dare to take pics with naked status. Lol how timid -__-
But this naked woman status was even funnier..sis Jenny dare Tommy to touch her boobs lol. LMAO lah. That Tommy really touched and once again, we laughed like shit. His wife was there laughing too. Seriously we have no offense, just to have some laughs and fun okay.
That place was so-so.
Next place was Jelodan Cave to see crystal and sort of cave stuff.
Then I smelled something funny during cave walk. Mom was in front of me.
Me: Mia, did you smell something funny??
Mom: Shh.. you shouldn't say out loud even if you smelled anything nice.
Me: -______- No mom, smells like someone just farted.
*Mom sucking air trying to find fart smell*
Mom: Shh. The Ang Moh infront of me just farted.
Me: Wth#%ei^&^&# farted in a cave.
Wtf -______-
Our tour guide said that there was once a guy proposed to a girl here and their wedding was held here also. Okay that was quite romantic. But I wouldn't want my future-fiance to propose to me here...
Another exhausted day past.
Next day again (Tuesday). Went to Paddy Market again and bought tons of things.
Had breakfast at Idk-where first while waiting the women finished their Gucci and Coach shopping.. I always love Ang Moh breakfast loh.
Taken after bath @ sis Jenny's room.
I'm actually a chocolate fans ♥♥
Next day. (Wednesday) WHALE WATCHING FOR THE FIRST DAMN TIME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Of course I'm excited. But have to eat something before going to the ship or else you'll faint.
Have my hot chocolate again ♥
The off we went to whale watching! Keep on pray loh me, hope the whale come out let us watch. Lol
Yes you can laugh out your ass now of my fat thigh -__-
Then there was a staff in the deck where mom wanted a cup of milk for all of us then GUESS WHAT SHITS HE SAID??
"Hey you! Are you blind? How can you take so much milk for yourself so selfish!"
My mom just stared at her not knowing what to say. She was dumbfounded. How on earth can a staff treated his passenger like this?? He can just rot back home eating shit if my dad was here cz dad is sort of fierce and strict.
Yes the strong wind blow us froze to death.
The blue blue ocean. That's why I love blue ♥
Passenger on deck. Finding a sign of whale.
But at last, NOTHING CAME OUT. Okay the whale did came out for only second....boring like shit at last. And I was going to faint in the deck. Fml. Ticket refunded for us and it last for 3 months.
Next day (Thursday). Sis Jenny brought us to the Fish Market.
I almost fainted there...uncountable yummy seafood there with only few bucks or below 30! Omg omg.
Fresh from the ocean ♥
And of course......
My favorite lobster! Once again I hope my dad owe a lobster company so that I can have lobster meal everyday for the rest of my life ♥
Skipped to Sunday. Say goodbye to Australia. Sobs :((
Back to Melbourne first. Then flight back to Malaysia.
Lastly, Aunty Ann bought a branded Australia bag..and now its for sale. ♥
p.s/ Thanks to those anonymous in my Cbox. I never expected I would got response for that. No matter who you are, still thank you.
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