Anyway as I was daydreaming just now, I suddenly had the idea to google some sort of animals, which I hate and I love, and when I googled 'crocodile' I suddenly thought of 'the crocodile hunter' who died years ago.
But out of all the animals I hate the MOST is this.

the freaking bloody SPIDERS. Fcuk you. I seriously HATE spiders. I just hope the EFFIN SPIDERS would extinct one day. I not only hate them, I hate their WEB too. fml

And I hate snakes too. But I wouldn't post up their pics here coz its too ugly.
But but but...I like tortoise. I used to have tortoise as pet when I was a kid but he ran away and fell from high building (which was my old apartment) Sobs.

Its actually adorable don't you think?
And dogs!

Errr....fighting dogs are not cute at all.
Oh by the way, you guys know about the Crocodile Hunter?? He loves crocodile so much.

But I hate it so much.
In case you don't know who is the crocodile hunter, here he is.

Yes I love him. He used to be my hero last time when I was like...kid. I cried for DAYS when I found out that he was DIED. I was at Ipoh that time. I'm so so so so upset.
He got killed by the fucking stingray. That was when I started to hate stingray, and I will be hating it for the rest of my life.

And I was always wondering...'Will stingray ever have a sense of guilt of killing the Crocodile hunter?'
I asked mom before, she answered me 'Of coz no la! Stingray very bad one'
I really wish that all the stingray in this world will just die one day. HAH

Fine I know its boring. I'm boring too.
Let's fresh this page with one of the cutest pet in this freaking world!
i like to see them stuffing all the food into their mouth.

Cute enough. I'm dying
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