Saturday, December 18, 2010

My long desired place ♥

Hello. Have you noticed that I'd added snow effect into my blog? Haha I think that's pretty and nice, don't you feel that way too? LOL

So here's another crap post, nah I don't care. I don't blog to please you, haha! 
No actually I don't feel like blogging but then I googled alot of my dream desire places ever since I was young and I decided to share with you guys so....yes, have a look. 
There will be a windmill there, or a flower scenery like that. I'll hold hand with my love and together we'll walk through all the flowers surrounding us. The place smells really good, the air there is what we called the sweet fresh air. Then there will be dogs and cats running around, the place is peace and quiet, completely away from the complicated city. 
I don't need to go to those countries where there's nice view and tall buildings, or historical places where many people desired to go,  or famous places and countries. All I want is here. So simple, so true, as if you're in your dream. Away from everything that's evil, fake and reality of the world. 
I really hope to go there someday in my life.. 
Will my dream of going there ever come true? 


Anonymous said...

Sure u can ;)

Fiions said...

hehe ,hope so