It was the day before merdeka.
Lol, this was suppose to be countdown party, ended up none of us realize the time,haha.
It was already late by the time I woke up,
went brunch with Babe Mun nearby. Then FLY HOME TO PREPARE.
We didn't realize the time, lol, we were an hour late for shit's sake. wtf
With the birthday boy ♥
Ignore my silly face.
Was so crowded there, didn't even have food to fulfill our stomach,
so we sneaked out to mamak for food, lol.
Went back and continue to partayy♥
With loves, teehee.
Getting more and more people. LOL
Meet the DJ of the day, Sean something.....don't know his full name.
Darn them nvr call me along for picture !!
Getting tipsy, oops.
I remembered of scolding people and yelling at them, I'm emo.
Yeah, I got super down once I'm tipsy, I'll even sob for god's sake.
With the girlsss ♥
Lovely, aye?
Idk why my face turns bright red once I'd drink the Black label.
I ain't drunk or tipsy, it just goes red like that, LOL.
Fun. Party hard. That was the last week of my summer break, SOB.
Classes begin, no more party now. Or I should say SELDOM, hahaha.
Study hard for the term !
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